Nationwide Contractor Perspectives on Economic Trends (Part 2)

On the latest episode of the Kid Contractor Podcast, I had the chance to catch up with two more contractors from different regions of the country to get their take on the current economic conditions and trends they're seeing in their businesses. First, I spoke with Paul from Miami, Florida, who runs a landscaping company called PGL. Paul shared how he's had to adapt his business over the past 18 months, going from a focus on lawn maintenance to more design and installation work. He's noticed his clients are asking more detailed questions about the projects, wanting to understand the value they're getting rather than just focusing on the timeline. Paul also discussed the challenges of managing his crew size, finding the right balance between having enough workers to get the job done well while also keeping his overhead in check. And he emphasized the importance of building trust with clients, especially after some have had bad experiences with other contractors. Later in the episode,...

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Contractors Nationwide Discuss Economic Trends Across America

kid contractor podcast Jul 23, 2024

In our latest episode of Kid Contractor podcast, we had the opportunity to connect with contractors in different regions to get their take on the current economic conditions and trends impacting their businesses. From the Pacific Northwest to the Midwest, these industry professionals shared valuable insights that go beyond just their local markets. Jadon Wise of Arbor Care Lawn and Pest Control in Washington State discussed the incredible growth his company has experienced over the past few years, particularly in their tree care services. He attributed this surge in demand to people spending more time at home during the pandemic and investing in their properties. Meanwhile, Dylan Stevenson of a landscape design firm in Ohio shared his experience rebranding his company to better align with their core focus on design and installation work. Hearing these diverse viewpoints really underscores the complexity of the current economic landscape for contractors. While some regions and...

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Topline to The Moon Goals with Growing Green Landscapes

I'm always eager to learn from other successful business owners in the green industry. In our latest episode, we had the pleasure of welcoming back Jeremiah and Savannah Jennings of Growing Green Landscapes on The Kid Contractor Podcast to discuss how they're navigating the current economic climate and chasing their ambitious "topline to the moon" goals. Jeremiah and Savannah shared some invaluable insights that any landscaping business owner can learn from. Despite the economic headwinds, their business has remained resilient, thanks to their focus on diversifying their service offerings and client base. They've strategically expanded into areas like irrigation and design-build work, ensuring they're not overly reliant on any single revenue stream. What struck me most was Savannah's perspective on the role of equipment purchases in their business growth. As the spouse not directly involved in the day-to-day operations, she initially had reservations about major investments...

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Skin Cancer Scares Leads to Renewed Focus on Self-Care

A few years ago, I started noticing some concerning changes on the left side of my face - tender spots that would become irritated, especially in the hot summer sun. After ignoring it for a while, I finally listened to my wife Brittany's urging and went to see a dermatologist. That's when I learned I had developed pre-cancerous skin lesions, likely due to decades of working outdoors without proper sun protection. Brittany has also had to get skin cancer removed, which she discusses in episode #517 of the Kid Contractor Podcast. The doctor's diagnosis was a real wake-up call. I realized that the tough, "macho" approach I had taken to my skin health over the years could have serious consequences down the line. That's when I made a commitment to be more proactive about protecting myself, whether it was wearing long sleeves, wide-brimmed hats, or diligently applying sunscreen. In sharing this experience on the podcast, my goal is to encourage others in our industry to prioritize...

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Landscaping Lessons: What Not to Do

landscaping safety Jul 12, 2024

Hey folks, Caleb here. Today's episode was a blast to record, and I wanted to share some key takeaways with you. We've all had those facepalm moments in our landscaping careers, and today we dived into some doozies. From leaving phones on truck bumpers to accidentally dumping expensive equipment in rivers, we covered it all. But it's not just about the laughs. These stories highlight important safety lessons for all of us in the industry. Always be aware of your surroundings, especially when operating heavy machinery. Double-check your loads before dumping. And for Pete's sake, don't put valuable tools on your vehicle's roof! We also touched on some serious topics, like the importance of proper portable restrooms on job sites. It's not just about convenience – it's about professionalism and efficiency. Remember, mistakes happen to everyone. The key is to learn from them and create systems to prevent future slip-ups. That's how we grow as professionals and business owners....

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Revenue, Budgets, and Pro Accounting Tips

Hey there, Kid Contractor listeners! Caleb here. Just wrapped up another episode with Brittany, and boy, did we cover some ground. We dove deep into the nitty-gritty of running a landscaping business - talking about revenue per hour, budgeting, and why having a pro handle your books is a game-changer. We've been laser-focused on our financials this year, and it's paying off big time. If you're still doing your own accounting, trust me, it's time to reconsider. We've seen a huge difference since bringing in the experts. We also chatted about equipment buying strategies for you new business owners out there. Pro tip: specialize as much as you can early on. As always, we kept it real - sharing our wins and our "learning experiences" (aka mistakes). Remember, knowing your numbers inside and out is key to success in this industry. Catch you on the next episode, and keep crushing it out there!

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New In-Person Training Dates Announced at The Hardscape Academy!

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming in-person training sessions here at The Hardscape Academy. These hands-on workshops are perfect for anyone looking to elevate their skills in the hardscape industry. Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned professional, our expert-led classes offer valuable insights and practical experience to help you succeed.

Training Dates:

Our sessions are designed to provide comprehensive training on various aspects of hardscaping. You'll learn directly from Caleb Auman and our experienced Hardscape Academy team. Here's what you can expect:

What You'll Learn:

  • Paver Installation: Master the art of installing pavers with precision and efficiency.
  • Retaining Walls: Gain in-depth knowledge on constructing durable and aesthetically pleasing retaining walls.
  • Paver Patio Estimation: Learn how to accurately estimate materials and costs for paver patio projects.
  • ...
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Happy Independence Day, America!

usa Jul 08, 2024

What a weekend, folks! As we wind down from the long Independence Day celebrations, I can't help but reflect on the deeper meaning behind the holiday. This year, I dove into the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights on the podcast. It's been eye-opening to revisit these foundational documents and remember what our Founders fought for. Between the barbecues and fireworks, I hope you all took a moment to appreciate the freedoms we enjoy. It's easy to take them for granted, but our liberties are precious and worth protecting. Next year, let's make it a point to say "Happy Independence Day" instead of just "Happy Fourth." It's a small way to keep the spirit of 1776 alive. As we head back to work tomorrow, let's carry that patriotic spirit with us. Remember, we're all created equal, with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Here's to freedom, America. Let's make the most of it!

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The High Cost of Cheap Prices in Contracting

business Jul 03, 2024

As a seasoned contractor, I've seen firsthand the pitfalls of choosing the cheapest option. Recently, a client's experience with a low-cost concrete pad reminded me why quality should never be sacrificed for price. When we cut corners to save money, we often end up paying more in the long run. Whether it's unreliable equipment that wastes time on job sites or subpar materials that deteriorate quickly, the initial savings rarely justify the headaches and additional expenses down the road. I've learned this lesson the hard way, like when I installed cheap lighting fixtures for a budget-conscious client. The constant repairs and service calls ate into any profit and damaged my reputation. Now, I only use high-quality products like WAC Lighting, even if it means a higher upfront cost. To my fellow contractors: invest in quality tools, materials, and labor. It's not just about the immediate job - it's about building a sustainable, reputable business. And to homeowners: remember that the...

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What I Learned from My Biggest Dredging Job Yet

Uncategorized Jul 01, 2024

Boy oh boy, what a project that last pond cleaning job turned out to be! When I first bid the job, I thought it would be a straightforward dredging job to clear out some sediment. But little did I know the challenges we would face - from unstable mud conditions, to equipment issues, to nearly running out of fuel at the end. This was by far the largest pond cleaning job we've taken on, clearing over 300 cubic yards of debris from a commercial stormwater basin. Going in, I knew the scale was bigger than our usual jobs, but I underestimated some of the complexities involved. Working in and around water brings its own set of safety concerns that you don't face on a typical hardscape project. And moving that volume of material presented logistical problems I hadn't fully planned for. Through the ups and downs of the job, I learned some valuable lessons. Proper planning is critical for these types of jobs - from assessing site conditions, to mapping out material removal. The right...

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