Nationwide Contractor Perspectives on Economic Trends (Part 2)

On the latest episode of the Kid Contractor Podcast, I had the chance to catch up with two more contractors from different regions of the country to get their take on the current economic conditions and trends they're seeing in their businesses. First, I spoke with Paul from Miami, Florida, who runs a landscaping company called PGL. Paul shared how he's had to adapt his business over the past 18 months, going from a focus on lawn maintenance to more design and installation work. He's noticed his clients are asking more detailed questions about the projects, wanting to understand the value they're getting rather than just focusing on the timeline. Paul also discussed the challenges of managing his crew size, finding the right balance between having enough workers to get the job done well while also keeping his overhead in check. And he emphasized the importance of building trust with clients, especially after some have had bad experiences with other contractors. Later in the episode,...

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Contractors Nationwide Discuss Economic Trends Across America

kid contractor podcast Jul 23, 2024

In our latest episode of Kid Contractor podcast, we had the opportunity to connect with contractors in different regions to get their take on the current economic conditions and trends impacting their businesses. From the Pacific Northwest to the Midwest, these industry professionals shared valuable insights that go beyond just their local markets. Jadon Wise of Arbor Care Lawn and Pest Control in Washington State discussed the incredible growth his company has experienced over the past few years, particularly in their tree care services. He attributed this surge in demand to people spending more time at home during the pandemic and investing in their properties. Meanwhile, Dylan Stevenson of a landscape design firm in Ohio shared his experience rebranding his company to better align with their core focus on design and installation work. Hearing these diverse viewpoints really underscores the complexity of the current economic landscape for contractors. While some regions and...

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Our First Investment Property!

I'm excited to share that Brittany and I just made our first investment property purchase outside of our commercial shop. We've had our eye on acquiring an industrial zoned parcel for a couple years now, waiting for the right opportunity. Well, that opportunity finally came up when a neighboring landowner approached us about buying the one acre lot next to our shop. It's been overgrown for a while, but I can already envision the potential once we get it cleaned up. The property is perfectly situated for a laydown yard rental, giving local contractors a place to store equipment and materials. While it's a relatively small investment for now at just one acre, this represents an important step for our business. We're always looking for ways to diversify our revenue streams beyond just construction projects. Renting out this space will provide another source of passive income as our customer base continues to grow. It also feels good to check another goal off our vision board. Brittany...

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We Did It - 500 Episodes of the Kid Contractor Podcast!

I can't believe we've reached 500 episodes of the Kid Contractor podcast! It feels like just yesterday that I was recording that very first episode in my dining room with Brian and Emily from Stump Plants. So much has changed since then but one thing has remained - my commitment to bringing you insightful conversations with top professionals in our industry. For this milestone 500th episode, I decided to call up some of our most memorable guests from over the years to get a glimpse into where they are now. It was so fun to catch up with Josh Sutton, Alicia & AJ Brentzel, Jon Pajak, and many others. I also got a chance to thank those who were instrumental in launching the podcast like Mr. Producer and Brian Fullerton. In addition to reminiscing, I asked each guest about any business "fallacies" they once held that turned out not to be true. Many mentioned assumptions about how growth works or that bigger equals more successful. It was fascinating to hear different perspectives on...

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Caleb Auman Shares Business Wisdom Through a Screenshot Stroll Down Memory Lane

kid contractor podcast Nov 27, 2023

On today's episode of the Kid Contractor Podcast titled "Make the Best Decisions You Can," host Caleb Auman takes listeners on a stroll down memory lane by going through a long list of screenshots he's collected over the years. The screenshots contain everything from inspirational quotes to examples from Caleb's own business experiences to advice he's received from other professionals.

Caleb shares nuggets of wisdom on topics like setting goals, dealing with unexpected problems on jobs, hiring an assistant to free up your time, and more. He also includes some lighter screenshots like funny alien comics that correlate situations to the business world. Throughout the episode, Caleb emphasizes making the best decisions you can each day based on the knowledge and experience you've gained. It's a great reminder of the importance of continuous learning and reflection in business.

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Lessons, Updates, and Arguments: Highlights from the Latest Kid Contractor Podcast

kid contractor podcast Nov 07, 2023

This episode of the Kid Contractor Podcast touches on several important topics but is derailed by an unproductive argument.

In the first part of the episode, Caleb discusses an experience with his daughter showing goats at the county fair. He talks about how her putting in extra work practicing with her goat led to a "lucky" learning opportunity from another fairgoer. Caleb uses this as a lesson about how the harder you work, the luckier you get. Brittany also shares details about a new 4-week business masterclass program she is launching in January with Alicia Bren called "Primed for Growth." The program aims to help businesses create visions and plans for future growth.

However, the discussion takes a turn when Caleb mentions looking for notes to elaborate on a point from a past podcast. Brittany attempts to help find and organize the notes, but Caleb becomes frustrated that she is going through his things without understanding his system. This leads to an argument about...

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