The Downsides of Self Employment: 10 Reasons why Working for Yourself Might Suck!

In a recent Kid Contractor podcast episode, we discussed some of the challenges that come with being self-employed. One thing we touched on was a instagram post by @chriswillx on Instagram outlining 10 reasons why working for yourself can really suck sometimes. I wanted to highlight a few of those reasons here to give you all a taste of what we covered.

The first reason is that as the business owner, you're the only one holding yourself accountable. There's no boss looking over your shoulder making sure things get done. It's all on you to stay motivated and push through, which can get exhausting.

Another is that there's never really an "off" switch - there's always more work to be done. It's hard to fully detach from the business, even when you're trying to take time off.

Attaching your self-worth to the success of the business is dangerous too. When things aren't going well financially, it can really take a toll on your mental health and confidence.

Creating your own...

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