Celebrating Micro Victories: Why Small Wins Matter

small wins matter Apr 07, 2023

We all have dreams and goals that we want to achieve, but sometimes it can feel like the journey to get there is never-ending. It's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of our big, audacious goals that we forget to celebrate the small wins along the way. In this episode of the kid Contractor podcast, guests Brian Fullerton (Brian's Lawn Maintenance) and John Pajak discuss the importance of celebrating micro victories.

John starts off the conversation by emphasizing the need to celebrate small wins. He says, "I mean, you do have to have those like, micro celebrations 100% Otherwise, if you're waiting for the Big Bang to happen, it you're gonna miss out on a lot of things." He's absolutely right. Waiting for the big bang moment can be demotivating and can make the journey seem longer and harder than it actually is.

Brian Fullerton, who is a successful entrepreneur, shares how he and his wife celebrate their micro victories. He says, "Liz and I celebrate micro those little celebrate...

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