Skin Cancer Scares Leads to Renewed Focus on Self-Care

A few years ago, I started noticing some concerning changes on the left side of my face - tender spots that would become irritated, especially in the hot summer sun. After ignoring it for a while, I finally listened to my wife Brittany's urging and went to see a dermatologist. That's when I learned I had developed pre-cancerous skin lesions, likely due to decades of working outdoors without proper sun protection. Brittany has also had to get skin cancer removed, which she discusses in episode #517 of the Kid Contractor Podcast. The doctor's diagnosis was a real wake-up call. I realized that the tough, "macho" approach I had taken to my skin health over the years could have serious consequences down the line. That's when I made a commitment to be more proactive about protecting myself, whether it was wearing long sleeves, wide-brimmed hats, or diligently applying sunscreen. In sharing this experience on the podcast, my goal is to encourage others in our industry to prioritize...

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Landscaping Lessons: What Not to Do

landscaping safety Jul 12, 2024

Hey folks, Caleb here. Today's episode was a blast to record, and I wanted to share some key takeaways with you. We've all had those facepalm moments in our landscaping careers, and today we dived into some doozies. From leaving phones on truck bumpers to accidentally dumping expensive equipment in rivers, we covered it all. But it's not just about the laughs. These stories highlight important safety lessons for all of us in the industry. Always be aware of your surroundings, especially when operating heavy machinery. Double-check your loads before dumping. And for Pete's sake, don't put valuable tools on your vehicle's roof! We also touched on some serious topics, like the importance of proper portable restrooms on job sites. It's not just about convenience – it's about professionalism and efficiency. Remember, mistakes happen to everyone. The key is to learn from them and create systems to prevent future slip-ups. That's how we grow as professionals and business owners....

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5 Essentials Every Contractor's Truck Needs for Emergency Preparedness

landscaping safety Feb 05, 2024

Hey everyone, Caleb here with another episode of the Kid Contractor Podcast. On this episode I had my good friend Bill on the show to discuss an important topic - safety gear and equipment that every contractor should have on their trucks.

As many of you know, Bill has been a paramedic and firefighter for over 18 years, so he's seen it all when it comes to emergency situations. I wanted to have him on to get his expert advice about the basic supplies we should all carry to be prepared for any medical issues that may come up on the job.

We went through a list of essentials like tourniquets, large fire extinguishers, first aid kits, eyewash stations, and more. Bill also emphasized the importance of training with your crew on how to use these items properly. You never know when you may need to respond to an emergency, so it's critical that everyone stays proficient.

It was a really informative discussion. I hope all of you will take the time to review the items we talked about...

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