Caleb and Brittany Share Their Story (Part 1)

On the latest episode of the Kid Contractor Podcast, Caleb and Brittany Auman re-released episode 100 where they shared the story of how Caleb started his lawn care and landscaping business many years ago.

Caleb recounted his early days working for a neighbor's lawn care company after school and on weekends. Though he enjoyed the work, he wanted to be his own boss. With a loan from his grandmother, he purchased a trailer and started his first year of business with just a mower, trimmer and blower.

In the beginning, Caleb admittedly underpriced many of his jobs as he was learning the ropes of running a business. But he gained experience and worked hard, taking on any job he could. One of his first larger projects was planting several trees for a client.

Caleb shared how he was inspired to get more into landscape construction after building his first retaining wall. He went on to enroll in the design/build program at Columbus State Community College to further his skills.


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