Lighting up profits: How one lawn maintenance company found success in holiday decor

Are you looking for ways to expand your business? Perhaps you can take a cue from Russell's Lawn and Landscape, a company that found a new and profitable niche in holiday decor.

In a recent episode of the Kid Contractor podcast, we talked with Andy and Russell Pugh, of Russell's Lawn and Landscape, about their transition from doing only lawn maintenance to now doing Christmas light installations. It all started when one of their clients asked if they could put up Christmas lights, and the Pughs decided to give it a try.

They quickly realized that there was a high demand for holiday decor in their area and decided to make it a core part of their business. They invested in high-quality materials and trained their team on installation techniques, and soon they were booking dozens of installations every holiday season.

Not only did they find a lucrative opportunity, but they also found that it helped even out their cash flow throughout the year. The summer months, which used to be slow for their lawn maintenance business, are now filled with preparing for the holiday season.

So, if you're looking for a way to expand your business and tap into a new market, consider holiday decor. As the Pughs found out, it can be a bright and profitable opportunity.


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